Friday, July 23, 2010

Still with it!

Just because I haven't posted here in a week doesn't mean I quit...even though that's what I wrote in the description up top. BE PATIENT, PEOPLE! Give it a couple of weeks before you assume I quit. (Though do keep an eye on the obituary pages, as those go up within a day or two, and they don't repeat....)

It's Friday, so today was Legs and Back again. I'm too lazy to actually write, here, so below is my copied and pasted entry from the Team Beachbody message boards:

Did Yoga X Thursday mid-day, before heading out for a long shift. I've been dealing with a finicky lower back off and on since I was a teenager. My left side above the glute, and then on down the hamstring, and sometimes into my groin...they get tweaked, and they let me know how unhappy they are. My left hamstring is ridiculously tight. When I stand for too long (and lately 5 minutes is too long :( ) my back goes into painful spasm and I have to sit and/or stretch it out.

In Yoga X, the standing stretch of the RIGHT side, with the left side compressed, was too painful to do. So, needless to say, though I Brought It to Yoga X Thursday, I was about half-intensity (though FULL sweat!). I did a few more of the poses that I avoided last week, though none of the balance poses.

Today, however, though my back was talking to me before the Legs & Back workout, it gave me no problems during! On the other hand, I did the workout not long after waking up and having a small snack (one hard-boiled egg whites (I botched the boil and the yolks were semi-solid... YECCHHH!)) I had to hit pause a few times after some of the leg exercises before hitting the chin-up bar. And I only made it half-way through the one-leg wall squats (I killed all the wall squats last week!!)

Today, with the chin-ups, I did only negatives* and counted the time that my arms stayed at 90° or less. And, yes, the numbers were pathetic! But at least those are more real than the "leg-ups," and I can gauge true progress that way.

But the workout, combined with , I'm sure, poor nutrition/first thing after waking up, left me totally wiped. I skipped Ab Ripper X completely. I think I will try it tomorrow after Kenpo X. We'll see. It's a shame, too, because I think I'm actually beginning to see a little definition pushing through the fat on my belly!

Nutrition accountability: Thursday night I ate a Met-Rx Power Bar as a meal replacement (before I saw the suggestion [in this message board thread] for Clif Bars). I love the disclaimer on the wrapper, something to the effect of, "Contains sugar alcohols. May cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Frequent consumption may have a laxative effect." I ate it anyway.

Later on I tried a "Muscle Shake" chocolate flavored drink. I don't know if that was too much, too many calories or carbs or protein after the Power Bar, but I do know it was BLECHHH! It tasted like I was sucking on metal. And the taste stuck with me for hours after I finished the drink!

I'll stick with the fart bars, thank you!

*"negatives" are achieved with assistance to the top of the chin-up, and then dangling and holding the "up" position as long as you can, and slowly lowering yourself (as though you had a choice!) to the bottom.


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