Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 4: Yoga X

I've never been a big fan of yoga, so I've eyed this workout from afar with some disrespect. It's not that I think it's easy; I know how difficult it can be. I just have never cared for it. But I'm not letting that stop me from trying it. Nay, from doing it!

Yoga X is a 90-minute workout. Ninety minutes! That exceeds my attention span by about 87 minutes! And when I ... OOH! Hey! I found a nickel under my chair!

Oops... Where was I? Oh, yeah. Yoga X.

As with everything in this program, I knew the yoga would be extreme. I had little hope I would complete the 90 minutes. Fortunately, Tony Horton structures it (though he doesn't mention this) from easiest to hardest, or, for lack of better — or actual — terms, from beginnerest to advancedest. I think he works it that way so that beginners like me can get to a certain point and they can say, "Nope! Not gonna do that!" I did! I kept up at about 3/4 the pace, maybe not doing the same number of stretches they were doing on screen, but keeping up by doing the same positions and holding them for as long as I could. I paused the DVD for a couple of Tony breaks, but I got to a certain point in the workout where I realized my breathing — such an important part of yoga, which must be kept calm and even at all times — had turned to panting! Sweat literally ran from my head to the yoga mat! I knew I was toast, so I called it quits. I was about 5 minutes shy of the halfway point. It was a good, wise thing for me to do it then, because the next position Horton did was a leaned-over, balanced-on-one-foot pose. I never would have accomplished that one! I was indeed wiped!

I jumped to the last ten minutes of the workout and rejoined Horton and gang as they left the advanced moves and went into cool-down stretches. I figured it best to work out the kinks in my muscles before I went on with my day.

So, I'm a little disappointed with myself, but I know I did the right thing by calling it quits on the yoga workout. I didn't want to snap a femur or something worse, like get a bruise.

Early this morning I joined a support group — at Team Beach Body — consisting of a few other people who started their P90X journeys on Monday, July 5th. We haven't agreed on a team name yet, so I call them the July Fifthers. (Hey you Fifthers, if you happened to pop in! Welcome to my blog!) Everybody's sore. Nobody has dropped out. I don't want to use the word "yet." I hope no one drops out...especially me!

Onward. Just Press Play!

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