Friday, July 16, 2010


I'm nearing the end of week 2 of P90X, now, and, despite missing the second workout of Chest and Back on Monday, I have begun to notice some changes.

My legs are feeling stronger. I get in and out of the taxi probably a half-dozen times a day; more if I'm really busy. Before starting with P90X (and dealing with lower back pain that I know from the past is due to weak back muscles - hence I'm working out) I noticed that I had started using my left arm as a lever to raise myself out of the seat to get out of the car. And getting into the car, I was stepping in with my right foot and then dropping into the seat. Now I'm using mainly my legs to get in and out of the car!

My energy level has increased slightly. My sleep schedule is still on the deprivation side and, though the P90X literature stresses adequate sleep, I'm noticing less sleepiness while I'm working, and fewer or shorter naps when business gets slow. And I'm still caffeine free!

I'm already seeing less of me. While my weight has plateaued at around 180 lbs., I've noticed that my belly fat has decreased. Pants that had been loose around my waist after working with George, the personal trainer last year, and had begun to fit more snugly recently are once again feeling loose. With/After P90X, I may finally feel the confidence and self-assurance to go out and buy replacement pants for a new, smaller waist size!

Day 12: Legs and Back; Ab Ripper X
Today's workout was Legs and Back, and Ab Ripper X. I did great in the Legs and Back workout, keeping up with most of the routines. I'm still using a step-stool for the chin-ups. Next go-round I'm going to push the stool further away from me so that my arms work harder, and the leg has less say in the deal. I still can't do ONE without aid. Grrr.

Ab Ripper X, on the other hand, kicked my ass today. As I'm officially on the night shift for the weekend, I worked out in the early evening shortly after waking up. I think I over-hydrated, or I began working out too soon after drinking a full glass of water. About 1/3 of the way through Ab Ripper X I started feeling like I was going to hurl if I pushed much harder. So I lay there panting and sweating on my mat, watching the exercises and studying form. I sat through most of the middle ones, and then joined in on the last move, a seated on the floor, balanced on your tailbone, feet off the floor and legs bent position, matching about one for every two of their reps of touching joined fists on the floor on one side of the body and then the other, back and forth. They do it fifty times, but I managed to do maybe 30.

I was wiped for sure, and I spent a good deal of time walking around with my hands on my hips, my head hanging from my shoulders, trying to just feel better. After a shower and the P90X recovery drink, I do feel better.

Kenpo X again tomorrow, and then it's on to week three!

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