Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 6: Kenpo X

Kenpo X is a cardio workout based on martial arts moves, so this was an hour of about 11,000 kicks, punches and blocks, and about a thousand jumping jacks. I exaggerate, of course, but there were a lot of kicks, punches, blocks, and jumping jacks. What attacks jumping jacks defend against, I don't know. But I digress.

Little to say here, other than that it was a pretty intense workout, with lots of sweating, my heart rate running above 155, and a pressing reminder of just how physically uncoordinated I am. Tony Horton demonstrated punches I was to do. He did them one at a time at first, but then, as things moved along, he added other punches, putting them into combos, and then he picked up the pace with everything. If I were in a fight, the only way I would win would be because my opponent died laughing at my form.

But I made it through. I didn't quite match the number of repetitions as the screen gods, but I did do every exercise.

I have a dilemma for the first part of the week: I fly out Sunday morning for Omaha. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but on Monday I'm supposed to start up again with the Chest and Back workout. However, since I'll be a guest in someone's house (as I understand it), I don't want to bring that along and be overheard grunting, panting, and moaning through the workout. So I could work out EARLY Sunday morning, but I don't know if it's safe to do so soon after the Kenpo workout (I finished that at 8:00pm Saturday evening. If I skip two days, then I'll be out of synch with my message board friends for the week, and would have to blast through my rest day next weekend.

So idunnowhatiwannado.

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