Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 7: Road Behavior...?

Traveling to Omaha for a video shoot has proven a bit of a challenge. One of the tenets of the P90X nutrition plan is that, in order to keep within my 2,400 calorie daily limit, I eat three small-portioned meals, and then I snack in between on sensible foods, like nuts, fat-free yogurt, or my toenails. (Shut UP! It's protein!)

But seriously, I awoke Sunday morning at 4:00 on the notion that I might do the Chest and Back workout. However, knowing (and not forgetting, this time!) that it would also mean doing Ab Ripper X, I opted to skip it and observe my scheduled rest day, mainly for fear that I would run out of time with all that pausing! I decided to bring the Chest and Back DVD with me, as well as a couple of the resistance bands should the time and opportunity come up for a workout.

I made a breakfast of 2 eggs over-medium, 2.5 strips of bacon (there was an orphan in the package), and a slice of dry Italian toast, with a small glass (6 oz.) of orange juice. I had a rather funny snafu involving — believe it or don't — taxi cabs, and wound up driving my own personal car to the airport. (I thought about driving my taxi to the airport, charging my credit card for the trip to get paid by the taxi company, and then expensing the parking fee to my client, but I'm certain I would have screwed that up and got caught, and wound up not getting reimbursed anything!)

By 9:30, a few minutes before the flight started boarding, I was hungry. I had spoken with my client on the phone who told me to go ahead and get something to eat, either on the ground in Omaha while waiting for him, or before my flight, because he was going to get something to eat on one of his layovers.

Dilemma: most of the stuff on offer at airports is crap. And while that's a great excuse to cheat on the nutrition plan, it's still cheating on the nutrition plan.

Right across the aisle from my gate area was a food kiosk called Hot Dog Express. Oh, brother, did that ever sound like a bad idea! But I went over there anyway, and I saw that they offered fruit bowls and vegetable bowls, cheese and crackers, and sandwiches. I'm allowed one serving of fruit per day, so that carb blast was out of the question. I'm allowed 4 servings (I think) of veggies, but I knew the veggie bowl would leave me hungry only an hour or so after eating it. I looked at the sandwiches: every last one was "shaved" turkey and gouda (good to know that bird left this world looking sharp!). It had at least half of my lunch portion of meat, my one daily serving of dairy, a reasonable portion of fruit/vegetable in the heart of romaine lettuce and the slice of tomato, and the second serving of carbs I'm allowed to expand to if I feel a little sluggish in the long as I ate only one slice of the whole grain bread on the sandwich.

So, I think I did all right in choosing the sandwich...and I did eat only one slice of the bread! Upon landing in Omaha, I bought a 9 oz. bag of "Energizer Trail Mix," which contains a farrago (!) of AA batteries, peanuts, raisins, almonds, and chocolate "buttons" (think plain M&Ms), and I snacked on it and a cup of decaf coffee while composing this post. I probably should have left well enough alone to leave room for the "Omaha Cowboy Buster" steak dinner I'm certain we'll be having tonight. I love working with a client...he always pays for the meals! It's not cheating if the food's free, right? ;)

(And am I dyslexic, or what? Every time I see the word "Omaha" I read it "Obama.")

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