Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3: Arms and Shoulders

My legs are incredibly sore form the Plyometrics workout on Tuesday, so moving is slow, and getting up from or down into a chair is actually somewhat comical!

Today was Arms and Shoulders, plus another dose of Ab Ripper X.

The Arms and Shoulders workout was pretty good, but I'm really having trouble with getting the moves right with the resistance bands. There's always one person on the screen using bands to show how those exercises are done, but sometimes the lowest resistance band is still too much resistance for my noodle arms. I was able to create my own modification for one of the triceps exercises, but it took a while to figure out.

So, while I sweated pretty good, I don't feel I got the maximum out of what I was willing to put in.

The Ab Ripper X, on the other hand was a little bit easier for me today, mainly because this time I knew what I was in for, and I paced myself a little better. I still fell out of most of the exercises, but I made it, I do believe, a little farther into them this time. My form sucks, especially on keeping my legs straight up in the air for the crunch-type moves, but I got a little farther into them all.

Best of all, when I got up from the Ab Ripper X workout, I felt GREAT! Of course, my legs had gotten good and loose, but once out of the shower I was hobbling like an old man again.

Oh, well! Only 87 more days to go!

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