Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 2: Plyometrics... Oh My Effing God!

Plyometrics is a cardio workout. A one-hour, practically non-stop, heart-driving sweat-fest. Tony Horton, the P90X guru, also calls it jump-training. Yes, there's a lot of jumping. I can only imagine what my downstairs neighbors were thinking!

I won't go into all the routines, as there are many, which Tony Horton breaks down into fours or fives, runs through them twice in approximate 10-minute blocks, with 30-second water breaks in between each block, and then he does a 5-minute cool-down.

As I expected, I was unable to keep pace with them what was on the tee vee, but I fell out already in the very first block! I kept at it, though, doing as much as I could and then breaking off to catch my breath, or pausing the DVD, as Horton recommends, so I could at least keep up with the same exercises they were doing.

I think it's safe to say that I have never... NEVER sweated so much in one hour as I did today. My t-shirt was completely soaked, from the neck hole, across the shoulders to the arm holes, and all the way down to the body hole, front and back. And I won't mention my underwear.

Oops. I guess I just did. JEESH!

In the shower afterward, I could barely lift my legs to wash my feet!

With my order of the P90X materials came a huge jar of Recovery Formula, an orange-flavored powder drink mix that they recommend I drink after every workout. It's mixed with cold water and... well, it's growing on me already. Yesterday I drank it immediately after I finished the workout, and I thought I was going to throw up. But I realized that it wasn't the drink mix, but that I drank too much of it too soon. They recommend I drink it within one hour of completing the workout, so I put it off until I was out of the shower. Mmm-sorta-mmm.

I said it yesterday... somewhere ...but I'm going to be sore tomorrow!

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